taksitle ödeme

  1. budget payment
  2. paying up
  3. payment by instalments
  4. tally business
  5. payment in instal (l) ments
hire purchase creditor
(Br) hire-purchase creditor
instalment order
hire purchase contract
hire-purchase us
deferred-payment price
(Br) hire-purchase charges
hire purchase charges
(Br) hire-purchase activities İsim
hire purchase activities İsim
hire purchase act
hire purchase borrowings
(Br) hire-purchase borrowings
installment plan
to hold on hire purchase Fiil
(Br) hire-purchase commitments İsim
hire purchase commitments İsim
to put off a dun with an instalment Fiil
redemption instalment
to commute an annuity into a lump sum Fiil